Ready to leave

Erik Lindgren/Pia Hultgren
Sat 30 Apr 2016 22:34
17:32.37S 149:34.19W

It has been raining for at least ten days here in Tahiti. It is not really normal for late April/May, but the weather is still effected by El Nino.
I believe it will settle to normal with more south-easterly passade winds and drier days from mid-May.
Anyway, we have managed to prepair Spirit and ourselves so good. Provisioning done at the big Carrefour and the new mainsail is here.
We have mounted the sail and it seems to have the right size, but still missing one batten -which Erik is trying to by right now…

We hope you had a great VARBORGSMÄSSOAFTON!
Take care!
Pia & Erik