
Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Tue 6 Sep 2011 15:01
06°46.753S 114°23.5076E
Tue 6/9 1600
Approaching the first 24hr mark. Dream conditions through the night with 15-20kn on the quarter and often topping 10kn boat speed. Then after sunrise the winds eased and came too much on the stern so an annoying rolly morning with seas coming from many directions. Seems this eastern end of Surabaya is a tidal convergence zone..
Everyone slotting into passage life easily, would appear that none will get seasick, as this morning's washing-machine conditions were an ultimate test. Some more sailing this afternoon, but now motoring, reading, making water and such. Will get the "crew" on polishing duties tomorrow once I have enough water to rinse all the stainless down first!.