Day 0

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Wed 5 Oct 2011 09:52
06°17.6939N 116°07.7639E
Wed 5/10 1700
Out for a few hours now, what a promising start - 15-20kn broad reach, cruising under shortened sail at 8-9 kn. A few rain squalls around but so far dodged them all. Don't really need the reefs, but set them as more crew training/exercises. The #2 staysail for the first time, and pulled full main up, but then shortened to 2nd reef for practice. Anyway, still making good progress and a very comfortable ride.
Late night last night with getting last of the "land" jobs finished, followed by an early morning start to pre for the 1100nm passage means that now the 4 Burmese are fast asleep. Evan, who has the 1800-0000 watch is at least sleeping officially in his bunk, the others are sitting bolt upright in the cockpit - but out like lights.
Maybe I should call a MOB drill? Tempting....