Tioman Island to Singapore

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Sun 30 Oct 2011 04:33
02°48.8159N 104°08.4183E
30/10 1215LT
A quick stop over at the beautiful tropical/jungle Tioman Island for a game of golf and a few meals in the Berjaya resort makes for a pleasant interlude for our 1500nm jaunt from HK to Singapore.
Berjaya Resort, with Golf Course on headland at right
Run into Tudor (a la Neptune Regatta organisor) and M.P. on Mantra, (a luxury Pershing 60) so enjoyed cocktails on the Pershing last evening.
M.P.'s Pershing 60 "Mantra"
Derek jumped ship as he was overdue to return home, but sounds like he has planes, trains, automobiles, ferrys and push-bikes ahead, so we'll likely beat him anyway!
Final swim over the side and stow the broken mizzen boom and otherwise sort out some of the China Sea carnage on deck to depart for the last 150nm dash to Sing and around to Raffles Marina, where the pool, spa and bar await....