On our Way

Tue 6 May 2014 01:06
After an enjoyable stay in Nanny Cay, Tortola doing the final preparations and getting to know the World Cruising Team and other participants through welcome party, happy hours, beach volley ball and farewell supper, we are now on our way to Bermuda. This is the first leg of our return Atlantic crossing. We left our sheltered berth an hour before the start on Saturday to find a welcome wind in Sir Francis Drake Channel for a downwind start. We started at the same time as ARC USA so some of the fleet are heading to Fort Lauderdale, USA. About three hours after the start we were hit by heavy rain but then had a good 24 hours weather and sailing making good speed. We along with, we believe from radio contact, most of the fleet had to motor through the night as the wind dropped. By early morning the wind was back and we were able to put the cruising chute up. We are now motoring a bit again as the wind is light. So far we have covered over 300 miles and are back in our old routine of night watches and life on board. There is nothing much else to report at this stage other than we briefly saw three huge dolphins on Saturday.