We made it!

03:05:10 Local time (07:05:10 UK Time) 18th December 2013 After 23 days, 18 hours, 5 minutes and 10 seconds we crossed the ARC finish line, beating into the wind as we tacked round Pigion Island with a big lean to port, arriving in Rodney Bay, St Lucia on a windy moonlit night.
We had battled our final squall a couple of miles out with winds of 37 knots and high seas giving us good speed as we headed towards the island. As we neared St Lucia we heard on the radio the boats ahead of us arriving and it was good to hear ARC Rally Control informing the finish line of our position and that we were the next expected boat. It was a very welcome congratulations received from the finish line. We took our sails down and headed for the marina. As we entered the cut we were thrilled to hear cries of congratulations from our friends Alison and Trevor standing on the bank to welcome us.
We were guided into our berth by ARC Rally Control waving a bright red flashing light. They took our lines and immediately presented us with some very welcome yummy rum punch and a large basket of fruit and a bottle of finest St Lucian rum. Within half an hour Trevor and Alison arrived in the marina and we all sat on deck celebrating until after sunrise.
It is almost surreal to think that we had just sailed safely over three thousand miles across an ocean without stopping, making all our planning and preparations worth it.
Since arrival we have spoken to many other boats which has made us realise that the breakages and challenges we experienced were common for many and the general opinion has been that this was one of the hardest ARC crossings in recent years due to conditions. This has made us even more proud of ourselves and our seamanship skills in looking after the boat and each other.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all you who have religiously followed us across the Atlantic, and for your encouragement and congratulatory emails. (We will put some photos on Facebook in the next couple of days)
We are now relaxing in Rodney Bay marina with only two ARC parties remaining! We are looking forward to Mack, Alexandra and Timmy arriving on Sunday for Christmas and the New Year.
Don’t forget to follow us in ARC Europe for the return journey in May 2014!
Best wishes, Michaela, Brian & Christopher – The Shenan Gang