Re: Day 7 - Land Hoy!

Mon 10 Dec 2012 19:54
17.23.1N 24.35.4W
Everyone fine. Weather warm and sunny.
Land Hoy!!! Sighted the Cape Verde's in the
distance at dusk today. This speed should give us a landfall at our destination
of Mindelo at dawn tomorrow. Good timing really as I don't want to try an
entry into Mindelo hbr in the dark.
Last night we had a visit by a pod of
dolphins. Really eerie to see these ghostly shapes glowing with phosphorescence
under the water as they darted in and out around the boat.
Today has seen very light winds (<10kts) from
the NE so we are poodling along at a sedate 4kts in fairly flat seas. Though we
get the odd "roller" which causes the boat to rock for a while. (usually just
when someone is serving tea).
One (very small) flying fish landed on deck today.
Too small to do anything with but throw back.
Everyone looking forward to a steady bed for a few
days and a trip (or 2) to the pub.