7.57.80 N 98.23.23 E
Yeh, yeh we are still at it, but there is light at the
end of the tunnel. Nai, our contractor is now talking about finishing the job
the week after next.. progress!!
All the new teak we are going to get is now on board;
not just the decks, but the toe rails, grab rails, handrails surrounds for the
hatches, etc. The grating for the cockpit is ready, but not on board
All has been going well and we have a good relation ship
with the contractor and the workers. This was stretched a bit when we rejected
the king plank on the foredeck because of the coarse grain and the subsequent
wear and tear. But it was changed and we are happy with it now. The last few
days they have been sanding and some guys are now putting the deck fittings
The big deck hatches were all removed and new "glass"
fitted and new teak surrounds. Duncan found more rust inevitably; so there was a
bit more welding to do. But the hatches are now being fitted and it all looks
good. Slowly but surely we are taking stuff back to the boat, newly painted
ceiling panels, varnished wooden parts, polished stanchions, etc.
Our precious Fein Tool (multi tool) packed up; we
managed to send it to an agent in Bangkok who serviced and repaired it. It took
two attempts though, but it works fine again.
We have had new Formica fitted in the galley, which
looks really good.
Duncan has changed the taps for our heads and shower
unit. We can't get a galley mixer tap here as almost all taps here are only cold
water. So we are building up a shopping list for when we go to New Zealand;
hopefully in about three weeks. Our visa will have run out by then. Next week we
will also have to extend the visa for Sea Topaz, who will have been here six