Dominica to Guadeloupe

David Moore
Tue 13 Feb 2007 11:35
"15:58.904N 061:42.993W"
Thursday 21
Riviere Sens Marina,
After a short sail from Dominica we arrived at the
marina at mid-day. The harbour had hurricane damage and the entry was quite
difficult. Phil and Oscar directed us in from the bow, ie port a
bit starboard a bit with the depth gauge on ZERO until we were in. We
didn't run aground. But there was some very excited shouting from ashore,
which after a short time we interpreted as meaning "tie up to the fuel jetty",
which we duly did, for the night. Shortly afterwards a catamaran tried to come
in and both hulls ran aground and they draw much less than our two metre
draft. We had lunch in the local marina bar did some shopping, had supper
in the same bar, had to much to drink and returned back on board and after a
good nights sleep left at 0700 without running aground.