Bay of Biscay

SECOND DAY AT SEA We have now been at sea for all of two nights. On plan. Averaging six and a half knots. Donald woke the crew up at 7am blowing the fog horn. He justified this by claiming we were in heavy fog !! We have a strong following wind and are sailing goosewinged. A new passenger arrived, assumed to be female, Emma, as a companion for Horatio, our teddy bear mascot. Emma flew in, exhausted, at 7am in the fog and darkness while we were over 100 miles from land.
PREPARATION BEFORE LEAVING HOME David spent time in the garden at home trying out his Iridium phone pretending he was in the tropics.
Setting off for France To shift gear for the new yachts - spare sails, tools, clothes for three months. Mike lent his Trooper and David used his home-made trailer.
FITTING OUT IN LES SABLE dOLONNE The fitting out Marina is about 60 miles North of La Rochelle. When we arrived the boat was off the low loader from Germany and the mast was about to go up. The fitting out berth is surrounded by boat builders and agents - Jeanneau Lagoon catamarans, Hanse, Feeling and others. The proud owner with his new boat. Lots of bits still to be added - boom, furling gear, sails, spray hood, blue ensign and the rest. The Skipper reminding Mike and Donald that we are due to leave for Las Palmas in two days time. Oscar has just arrived and is pressed to helping Mike set up fruit & veg hammocks. |