Day 5 - Going South

David Moore
Thu 30 Nov 2006 12:02
"23:30.0000N 22:55.0000W"
![]() David '3000 stitches' Moore now has an air of relief as we
fly the kite. He calculated that our lack of it has cost us 80 miles,
( but e have now sailed 500 miles from the start) but it's
early days amigo, and by heading further south than many yachts, we expect to
make it up. We could see the lights of 4 boats during the night. Many
boats are already starting to peel away for a rhum line to St. Lucia, but
our skipper has read umpteen books about tactics across the Atlantic and is
adhering to the theories of Don Street, "Go South".
News is always welcome onboard, but to hear England
went down by 277 runs to the Ozzies was gutting. Perhaps
we'll open that can of 'whoopass' for the rest of the series. Whilst
the England cricket team has been short of a bowler or two, we are now
short of a bowl. The 'Curious Incident of the Loss of the Bowl at
Nighttime' is an inconvenience ( 5 bowls for 6 people) in
the galley but we get round it. Sorry Terri!
The rise of the 'Tiddy Oggy' (Naval parlance for the sun)
was beautiful this morning. It got me thinking. Does the Tiddy Oggy
always shine on TV as A-Ha sung to us? Is there Evil Under the Tiddy Oggy
as Poirot informed us? Who knows, but it is getting hot out here now.
Oh yes. Little darling here comes the Tiddy Oggy.