10 January Ao Nang, Krabi

Sat 25 Jan 2014 06:51
In the morning we made our way to the more sheltered Ao Nang anchorage as the wind had increased to about 25 knots. We went ashore and walked around the streets of Ao Nang which were great and set up for western tourists - very clean, concrete footpaths, good quality souvenir shops etc. After the disappointing local food we had consumed over the last few days we decided to have lunch at Burger King and loved it! (Except for Mitch who ate too much).
In the afternoon we took a local tour around Ao Nang all squished together on a small scooter with a side car and visited the local markets and local supermarket (Tesco). After the tour we saw a promotion for a local Muay Thai Boxing competition and bought tickets for that night. Greg and Mitch were keen to see it but Elle and I were unsure about how violent it would be - the answer was not at all and it was quite entertaining- the young guys are just so fit and calm.
Amazingly I looked around the small stadium that was nowhere near capacity and I saw Sarah Davidson's sisters and their partners. I knew they were in Thailand around this time after staying at my place with their parents over Christmas but had no idea about where they were. Such a small world - but unfortunately they were flying back to the UK the next day and were unable to catch up on the boat. They all looked very tanned and happy but not looking forward to the cold reality of the UK. It was also terrific to hear that Charlotte and Nick got engaged while in beautiful Port Macquarie! We then did what all the locals do and got a lift back into town in the back of a ute!