Nongsa Point, Batam

104:05E Nongsa Point
Marina, Batam The 300 mile passage to Batam took 48
hours – we left Tuesday at around 2pm.
We were planning to depart at 9am however the engine had other
ideas. Greg and Dadang had to
replace the generator battery and jumpstart the engine batteries as they had
gone flat. We believe all of the
batteries (house, engine and generator) now need replacing due to the boat being
on shore power for eight months. (they shouldn’t be charged constantly) Anyway
just another technical issue! The first 24
hours was quite pleasant – a bit of wind and nice temperature. However things changed after we hit the
equator and we had very flat seas, no wind and extreme temperature. The three of us were on watch all
through the night after we encountered our first long liner fishing net at about
8pm. We discovered that a flashing
green light in the distance indicated a net which could be up to 20 miles in
length. It was very daunting as we
did not want the net to get caught beneath the boat. We managed to negotiate around two of
them but had to go over seven during the night – luckily the nets must have been
set more than three metres below the surface because we avoided any hook
ups. Then after no
sleep at about 7.30am we were hit by a monsoon squall that lasted for 3 hours.
This included up to 50 knots of wind, heavy rain and zero visibility – just as
we were due to enter Selat Riau (a strait that is dotted with islands on either
side and is only two miles wide).
With no visibility we had to trust the navigator (me!) and also miss any
passing traffic (a close call with a fuel tanker on the entrance approach). We survived and arrived at the marina at
2pm ready for a quick lunch and then we slept for 14 hours. The marina is
also a resort with a hotel, restaurant, pool, bar and all the facilities for
clearing in and out of Indonesia.
The resort is architecturally quite beautiful and opened in 2009. It is also unlike anywhere else in
Indonesia (clean and tidy) and models itself more on Singapore – just 20 miles
across the Singapore Strait. We can see the passing ship traffic from the marina
and it is constant – we even saw tugs towing an oil rig platform that could have
been 20 stories high. We leave for
Raffles Marina on Sunday at 6am to make the 40 mile crossing through one of the
three busiest ports in the world. |