21 22 December South Yao Yai

Tue 24 Dec 2013 07:27
Unfortunately we had to leave the anchorage on the west coast of Koh Yao Yai due to the strong NE winds - we checked the weather and it looked like we were stuck with it for at least another few days. The closest place for shelter was an anchorage 6 miles away in the southern bay of Koh Yao Yai - the pilot book advised that there was a muslim fishing village on stilts there. The anchorage was excellent and we stayed for 2 days, although there wasn't much to see or do, the village on stilts on the west had been abandoned and the wharf on the east had a small village where small boys threw rocks at us in the dinghy! The current and winds were too strong to get the kayak out until the last morning and even then the bay was very shallow and surrounded by reef so no exploring. The weather has also been unseasonably cool about 28 degrees - we even needed blankets up in the cockpit where we slept overnight on anchor watch. On Tuesday we received an email from our Swedish friends to say they had arrived at the marina so we sailed the 20 miles back to catch up with them before Christmas.