15 November – Back at Rebak Marina

Wed 27 Nov 2013 09:57
We arrived back at the marina in time to do a few things before catching the ferry from Lankgawi to Penang on Sunday to get our visas for Thailand. We were delighted to get a knock on the back of the boat on Saturday morning and it was Jan and Monica from a yacht called Blue Dame who we befriended in Bali Marina last year. They are a lovely Swedish couple who are just amazing – Jan is 78 and Monica is 68 and they arrived just before we did on Friday. They were taking the boat out of the water on Monday to do antifouling and other jobs before going to Thailand. They are planning to continue on to the Red Sea in January and when Greg asked Jan why – he simply said why not! Just amazing I am now worried that Jan will try and talk Greg into going – no thank you the pirates are still a very big concern (it didn’t help that I saw the movie Captain Phillips in KL before returning to the boat).