Battery dilemma and politics

Mon 16 Dec 2013 11:05
We watched a wonderful movie on the movie box called Crossing Over with Harrison Ford and Ashley Judd – worth seeing and gives an insight into illegals in America – definitely food for thought regarding Australia’s situation.
Mick and his team were fantastic – Greg had contacted him first thing and by 11.30am they had installed two new batteries, the only blip was that the bow thruster did not work, so they installed a new bow thruster panel (Greg had ordered last year in Oz), but the wiring did not match our current system. The boys managed to re-wire the old one and get it working. The service was really amazing and the best I have seen in the marine industry.
Now for a quick update on Thai politics (following the recent protests in Bangkok and Phuket) Thailand currently has no government and no parliament. Last Monday Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra called a snap election when 160,000 protestors besieged her office. She remains caretaker prime minister but the protestors want her to go now with political reforms pushed through before any election. The country’s military can make or break any attempt to remove the prime minster, but has declined to take sides. The army has staged or attempted 18 coups in the past 80 years including one against Ms Yingluck’s brother, Thaksin Shinawatra in 2006. The protests gained momentum in November after Ms Yingluck’s government tried to push through a political amnesty bill that would have allowed Mr Thaksin to return home a free man.