Well 6 days in and over half way in distance
and the Bay of Biscay behind us. The wind is
in the north-east and it is cloudy at moment but we have had lots of sun. The
sailing cognoscenti will realise that we have swapped wind on the nose for wind
up the **** hey ho. Spirits are high and we are settling into the regime of
watch keeping – for instance up at midnight back to bed at 04.00 –putting
on oilies etc then taking them off. The stars and the sunsets have been
spectacular; you will all be bored with pictures of sunsets. There is little
shipping for us to see but there is activity on the VHF so they are out there.
Here are some pictures of the crew excluding “chefy” who was
featured yesterday.
This is Colin always beaming

Of all of the pics taken I can’t find one of Bob so
here is Bob with Colin

And skipper Roger looking very quizzical leaving Plymouth

Fingers are tired – log on tomorrow