Blog No 6 19th November

Hi Two for the price of one – a technical
blunder and crass stupidity meant that you had two blogs yesterday at no extra
charge. Because of confusion we have had the automatic position generator changed
so that the map will be updated once a day rather than twice a week – you
may now get a forest of markers. Things here carry on very well. We are not
far (about 50 miles) from the first chance we have to take a direct route to This morning we found a small flying fish
next to the cooker, at first we concluded that it must have flown over the
cockpit, down the companionway and turned sharp left to land next to the hob
for cooking. Sadly we found a window open which gives a much more plausible
explanation. You may not realise that this is a dry boat,
not one without water but one without alcohol. However I thought that you might
like this picture even though it is slightly cropped. Can you read the name on the bottle? It is
Pampero a high quality gin from Just to finish here is Bye Love Roger and crew |