Blog no 11 Tuesday 2nd December

Day 10 Mileage 72
miles – 4.25 hours motoring Day 11 Mileage 120 miles
– 2.00 hours motoring Day 12 Mileage 133 miles
– 21.0 hours motoring Day 13 Mileage 156 miles
– 1.50 hours motoring Day 14 Mileage 144 miles
– 12.5 hours motoring Day 15 Mileage 130 miles
– 11.5 hours motoring Day 16 Mileage 128 miles
– 18.0 hours motoring Day 17 Mileage 114 miles
– 11.0 hours motoring Day 18 Mileage 122 miles -
0.0 hours motoring Day 19 Mileage 149 miles –
0.0 hours motoring Tuesday 2nd December I am not convinced that my last Blog was
posted so I have repeated info above. Apart from the glorious fact that we
haven’t motored nothing much has happened. But did you know that last
night Venus and Jupiter were in conjunction, well we didn’t either until
we looked it up. But within a very small part of the sky there were the two
planets and a very new moon clearly visible. We are now some 400 miles from We are now running a solo watch system,
each of us does a 3hour stint between 21.00 and 09.00 so, in theory, we get 9
hours sleep a night and two lucky people have an uninterrupted 9 hours. Sadly
the rocking conditions are such that sleeping is quite difficult. We are running
“ship time” which is GMT -2 hours. The sun rises 7.45 and sets at
19.30. Anyway must go to do my fair wind prayers –
no pics conserving air-time Roger |