38:31.56N 33:57.45W

North Star
Andrew Joad
Sat 7 Jun 2008 00:36
Cruising chute was taken down about 4pm as winds
built. Currently sailing at 6.5 knots with 2 reefs in the main and one reef in
the genny.Bout 25 to 30 knots wind from the ssw. Heading south as wind forecast
to back to the south then south east so as to make for an easier approach to
Horta. Todays run was 140 miles, very pleased with that.
I spent over a hour in the galley cooking pizza,
blame Burnsy for raisingthe cooking stakes last night!! It turned out ok though
and now lets see what the mighty chef Coyley is going to rustle up tomorrow
night, no pressure!!