not tonight sorry

Norman G III
Mon 28 Nov 2011 23:04
our position at 2200 is
16 47 07N 31 17 66W
jason and golly are sleeping and skip and i are on watch
we are in the middle of a tropical rain storm and the wind is really gusting high 30kt
we have reefed the foresail and mainsail and got our wet weather gear on and its all hands to the winches
there is another yacht about 2 miles dead ahead of us which we are going to pass in about 30 mins but we have to pass nearer the storm side of it so its taking a bit of work
so imgoing to go back upstairs now to work but this is just to say we had a fantastic days sailing in the direction of st lucia everyonre is fine and we had a heartyy meal of rissotto with chestnut and pancetta for dinner followed by fresh mango and pineapple fruit salad
not a bad life
got to go skips calling
sleep tight full update tomorrow