Njord Web Diary Position: 41:53.2N 16:10.65E
Tue 21 Sep 2010 18:22
Left Lastovo on Croatia at 4.15am to make the 60mile
crossing to Vieste on Italy, arriving just before 2pm. Bumpy sea and exactly
half way across the engine decided to take a holiday. Luckily Andy managed to
get it started again. We were welcomed by dolphins 3miles off the Italian
coast, only 2nd time we’ve seen them out in this region. Have been out tonight and revived ourselves with
Pizza. Came back to marina to stumble across a Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pig
dining on grapes and cherry yoghurt….although a healthier dinner than
ours have to say her Body Mass Index did now bode well…… If
that’s what happens to you on grapes and yoghurt then we’ll stick
to Pizza. |