Njord Web Diary Position: 38:39.79N 20:47.86E

Arrived here in Port Athenerinos at midday today.
Managed to anchor and Andy sent me ashore to tie the back of the boat on to
something to stop it swinging. Could only find a rock to tie on to which
subsequently took off when the boat moved. Narrowly missed losing my toes and
flip flops before finding a bigger rock. Enjoyed my Heinz Tomato Soup today. Much excitement at
also finding a launderette here and now have clean clothes although Andy thinks
he’s seen someone running around with his pants on their head. Yesterday was cloudy but today made up for it with
scorching sun. Developed a new spectator sport of watching the
charter boats trying to dock at the quay. There were 15 of them today with one
charter company and it took 2.5hrs for them all to land. At one point there
were 6 circling each other going backwards like an odd Heathrow stacking
system. One reversed 500 yards and still didn’t get it right to land. One
lost it’s dinghy when the dinghy floated off and still don’t think
they’ve noticed its gone even through there were 5 crew aboard. Several
others didn’t seem to remember to drop their anchors till they hit the
quay, even through there was a man with a loud hailer and on the radio shouting
“drop your anchor”. Oh and one nearly landed his anchor on his
dinghy which was tied on the front, but at least he had tied it on. Plus they’ve
all seem to have been told to turn their VHF radios onto the loudest volume
setting so everyone can hear the leader’s frustrated instructions. We’ve
lost count of how many times we’ve heard “NO! The OTHER starboard!” Andy bought ice and decided to offer some of it to
our Scottish neighbours as it would all melt before we can use it. Think he was
going for a snoop round their Bravaria. The Krill visit us each night to munch off the weed
on the bottom of the boat. They are doing such a good job we’ve gained a
knot of speed at the same engine revs. They are noisier here and sound like a
pack of party poppers going off, either that or its something larger than
Krill. |