Njord Web Diary Position: 43:23.63N 16:12.77E

Fri 17 Sep 2010 16:53

Sailed to Solta yesterday and spent last night at anchor in a little bay called Sesula. Attempted to leave today for Hvar but the strong wind directly blowing in our faces meant the 5 hr sail would have turned into a very bumpy & uncomfortable 7hr sail….so decided not to bother and came back round the corner to the small village of Maslinca.


So instead of sailing today, we cycled 14km with a gas canister to try to find a refill and failed. However we did spot several YUGO cars and at least 4 Renault 4’s, all of which must be at least over 25yrs old. Expect no MOT system here as some are held together with string. Also saw 2 Pheasants.


Will try again tomorrow to get to Hvar.