
37:20.1n 027:15.7e Didim Saturday June 15 Arrive in D-Marine Didim where we plan to keep the boat for the winter. Very nice facilities and less than half occupied. They gave us quite a competitive price to leave the boat there for 12 months. No surcharge for being on the hard and 30 days free berthing at any of their other marinas. Sunday Jun 16 Depart for Bermuda and nephew Jeremy’s wedding in Muskoka Back on board Friday June 28 Domestic Water is unusually hot and the relief / mixer valve is leaking. While the mechanic is investigating, a leak develops at the base of the surge tank – a small problem has grown. Court and Kierstin arrive Monday evening for a short trip and we are anxious to get underway. Finally get everything back together by Tuesday evening. Have dinner at Upstairs restaurant where we have a long chat with the manager about wines. As a muslim, he does not drink and has no idea what he is selling. When we retrun to the boat Court turns on the tap to brush his teeth and steam is everywhere then the pipe beneath the sink breaks. Turn off the water heater and pump. Barkley Marine is able to get things back together in the morning and we are finnaly off to T B with 25 knots of breeze on our tail. |