
S/V Monterey
Les Crane
Sat 21 May 2011 07:08
38:21.9n 020:43.0e
Vathi Ithica
Saturday May 21
The Port Police ask us to vacate the end of the stone pier in Fiskardo so
that a Tourist Boat can arrive at 1130. We are anxious to run the washing
machine and cannot do that in Fiskardo harbour so we move off to Ormos
Fhiskardo a small bay to the south of town and anchor for a swim and
breakfast on some great sweet pastries from the bakery.
Set sail in 8 knot westerly for Vathi Ithaca about 1430. Wind drops in the
lee of Ithaca and we motor down the east shore. Beautiful high hills falling
into the sea. In Vathi about 1700 go stern to the south east of the ferry.
Lots of space as the harbour front is long. Good depths alongside. Anchor
bites quickly. Harbour fee E13. No water or power.
Dinner at Taberna Kantoyni (moto "Very Friendly Prices"). Great onion tart,
mezes and a litre of the house wine make for a light cheap meal. Very nice
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