S/V Monterey
Les Crane
Mon 3 May 2010 21:12
Monday May 3
At dawn, James is awakened by snubbing lines and the banging of the boat
against the dock. He finds the wind has increased to 30 plus and spends
half an hour putting on extra fenders and lines which allow the boat to ride
more easily and quiets things down The whole crew sleeps through it. The
wind, the Jugo, continues to blow fresh from the SE as we prepare for
departure in the afternoon. We cast off at 3.15 pm, but one of the lines
snags as we leave the dock and all of a sudden we are sideways on to the
wind, tied to the dock - a position where we can't pull away and can't
release the line. Les gives power to the engine and bow thruster and
gradually we power Monterey into the wind and gain control. Duncan, who
was on the dock hops aboard and we're off!
The vegetation and topography is similar to that in the Caribbean, short and
scrubby. with islands and peninsulas of long hills . We leave the Trogorski
Zaljev (bay) and enter the Drivenicki Kanal, raise sail and head downwind in
a fresh breeze doing 8-10 knots - it's great to be sailing again! We skirt
the Boraya Peninsula. Monterey eats up the miles, past Kremik, Rogoznicka
and picturesque Primosten, where we had enjoyed a delightful dinner at
"Restoran Amphora" the night before.
We enter the outer bay for Sibenik, with heavily wooded Islands and
coastline more reminiscent of Scandinavia. Heading for the conspicuous fort
on Otok (island) Sveti (Saint) Nicola, we enter the remarkable Kanal Sveti
Antewith the lighthouse and signal station of Jadriya to port. The channel
is a deep natural one formed through karst limestone and 120 feet deep
allowing large vessels to enter, but completely defensible. We enter a
large bay with Sibenik opposite us. We tie up at the fuel dock and take on
fuel, after which the attendant tells us we can stay the night there.
The city has a long history
After cocktails, we head into town. We come to the c
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