S/V Monterey
Les Crane
Mon 16 Aug 2010 17:23
42:57.5n 017:08.2e
Monday August 16
Wind W18. Beautiful sail to Korcula. ACI marina full inside but they allow
us to berth on the outside of the dock. Nasty Italian jumps ahead of us as
we are following instructions from dockmaster. He apologises and we come in
amid a strong crosswind. Would have been easier had we dropped our anchor
coming in as the laid line was fouled and thus short. Depth on the outside
of dock is a bit shallow (stone break wall) and it is necessary to keep over
a metre from the wall. ACI marina expensive @K1012 but 36 amp service
Dinner at Kanavelic, a walled garden on the North East waterfront. Waiter a
bit hesitant to recommend things from the menu. Don asked if the Tomato soup
was good. He said yes but I don't like it.