Mgarr Malta

S/V Monterey
Les Crane
Thu 16 Apr 2009 12:30
April 16, 2009
Good trip across.
Winds were S and E 6 -12 . Two 3 - 4 hour bits of sailing the rest
motoring. Calm seas, little traffic, the Suez - Gib traffic must pass north of
Malta. Beautiful morning as we approached Gozo close in to the Raz. Docked at
marina. Cleared customs and immigration. Waited a bit for the constabulary to
come down from Victoria to stamp our passports, then told they could not find
the stamp so we were to relax, they would find us. Nice clean and modern showers
etc. Toured Victoria then back at the Porto Vecchio in the Mgarr Harbour for
dinner - very nice.