Blog 15

Magic Pelagic
Paul & Tracey Simmons
Wed 22 Nov 2023 12:39
position : 22:16:68N 019:28:57W
Wednesday morning arrives and we make it to the half way point of our sail down to Cape Verde islands at 482.25 nm from Lanzarote
The winds are mostly from the North East and can be flukey at the best of times although we had 23 knots at one stage in the night and were trucking along at over 8 knots under mainsail and poled out Genoa,exciting stuff.
Yesterday evening brought our first moral dilemma,we troll out two fishing lines behind the boat at dawn and dusk and Dave’s line boasting a small pink squid like lure caught a magnificent Mahi Mahi fish,which will be appearing shortly on the boat dinner table.
We are having discussions as to the right or wrongs of feeding ourselves from the ocean,we certainly don’t want to be catching a Dolphin by mistake.
We are all in fine spirits and looking forward to a fishy supper
TC x
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