Blog 12

Magic Pelagic
Paul & Tracey Simmons
Sun 19 Nov 2023 13:23
Position .26:41:283N 015:01:366W
After our first 24 hours at sea the crew have quickly settled into the ocean sailing routine.
After leaving Puerto Calero we motor sailed in a light north easterly breeze for the first 8 hours before the winds increased as night fell and we sailed under a reefed main & headsail in winds of upto 21 knots ,accompanied by a rolly sea .
By mid morning we had reverted to full sail as the wind dropped to c.15 knots and anticipate having to revert to motor later today if the wind continues to fall as forecast .
The new watch system has been well received with those enjoying the double off shift being well rested and alert. The 6th crew member ( our repaired AP - thanks to Martin & Paul ) is performing well .Our biggest disappointment so far is the lack of fish & ships but Tony’s evening meal of chicken in a creamy leek n mushroom sauce with roast potatoes more than compensated for the empty AIS and bobbing fishing lines.