
Marcus & Ruth
Tue 11 Dec 2012 17:14
18 02,09N 063 05,33W

We've made it, and in record time, 14 days almost to the minute! Apart from around 36 hours motoring, the rest was full on sailing the whole way.

Sorry we've missed the last few days but we ran out of credit on our sat phone so were unable to post.

So some stats for you:

Trip Miles Covered from Las Palmas on Gran Canaria to Simpson Bay Marina, St Maarten, The Caribean: 3047nm

Fish Count: 4x Mahi Mahi, 3x Blue Marlin & 1x Black Marlin.

This morning while at anchor waiting for the bridge to open into the marina we had a little look at our hull. On closer inspection we have found considerable damage to the rudder, skeg, shaft alignment and shaft seal. All caused by our encounter with the big whale around the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. So we managed to slice open a whale and get away with relatively little damage. We'll need to be hauled out for a repair, but the situation could have been a whole lot worse, now it's just a good storey rather than a complete nightmare in the middle of the Ocean.

Good boat clean today and few well earned beers and food later today.

Thanks for following, keep popping in on us, we'll try and keep things updated while we sail around the Caribbean this season.
