Grey Skies & Good Wind

Marcus & Ruth
Wed 28 Nov 2012 09:32
26 24.50N 019 37.06W Starting Distance 2838nm, Remaining Distance 2580nm We've been tracking a 203ft Square Rigged sailing boat to our North since we departed, we've not seen her yet but it's there on our AIS about 15 miles away. Stories are rife between the shipmates that it's a ghost ship, maybe the "Black Pearl", Aaarrrrrhh!!!! We have a sacrificial burial today, Dicky is going to float test our offending Altenater as a gesture of good will to Neptune. Hopefully he'll accept this and keep us from any more unforeseen engine issues. If this wind keeps up then we won't be needing the iron sails at all. Just saw 15.9knots speed over ground while surfing down a nice wave, nice. |