4 days to go to Azores

Hanse Sailor
Andy Brock
Wed 13 Apr 2016 17:22
“33:59,64N 40:28,56W”
Had a very calm day before the last night low came in and shock us around
With a pancake breakfast. pasta lunch and a sausage casserole. sun out ,10
knot winds and lovely calm weather . this was all ended by a squall at about
6ish and a night of banging and crashing where i had as much sleep as Simon ever
has (who believes sleep is better when you are dead ) so after three hours of
interrupted sleep i resumed my watch to the sound of waves hitting the hull and
25knot winds , come out of it unscarred and better for the experience ready for
a day of (guess what ) more 25 knott squalls and bumpy waves . as i write this
blog Simon is having fun watching the wind go from 330 to 56 in matters of
seconds , Jo,s enjoying being his winch monkey and Alex is fast asleep. We
discovered that you dont buy American cheese in big cans as it has more colour
and preservatives than cheese in it . good for pasta cabanara . Boat holding up
very well and besides the pulpit having to much pressure and one of the bolts
shearing off . the main outhaul slipping and the in mast furling deciding to do
what it wants Hanse Sailor is our trusty home for now. Alex has found out
that the boat cabinets are harder than his foot .
good news is that the grid is looking better for the next three days and
then we will have enough Diesel to motor last day to the Horta for a long
awaited Steak and chips .
current weather 13 to 17 knot wind speed, 7 to 7.5 boat speed, waves
force 5, cloudy , my sleep little, Alexs lots , Jo’s medium, Simons Low to nill,
moods GREAT even though Simon has reduced his smoking to 3-4 (he says 1-2)a