
Awelina of Sweden
James Collier
Sun 24 Jan 2016 10:25
We spent quite a time on Tenerife: quite apart from wanting to visit we had three additional reasons: wanting to see Steve and Toni's home and their wonderful hospitality (not forgetting using the washing machine!), to leave the boat over Christmas to fly back to the UK and then again in January for Fiona to fly back to Cambridge for a check-up. With a clean bill of health we then left for La Palma. But here are some photos of Tenerife. We particularly liked:
San Juan, the trip up to Mount Tiede, the north of the island and the old town of La Laguna, Candelaria with its statues and church, and swimming in Medano.
Tiede from the sea and from the caldera
The desert in the caldera and a vies from the top at 3700m
Walking in the pine forests which lie to the S and W of Tiede
View of the N coast and the little village of Chamborga
The old town of La laguna with its big trees
The statues of the kings of the Guanches, the original inhabitants of the islands.
The church at Candelaria, with its famous but execrable painting, and a small part the nativity scene which occupies half a square in the town.
View from the marina San Miguel, which was our home for so many days.