Off south!

Awelina of Sweden
James Collier
Sun 18 Oct 2015 17:50
Canaries, Cape Verde, Brazil and Argentina to Chile. And then maybe -
courage and FCO permission allowing - a trip to the Antarctic
peninsula to introduce Carlos Bjorn the polar bear to the penguins.
After that, who knows? Easter Island and Tahiti? Return via Japan and
the the NW passage? But definitely eventual return to our home in
Mylor which we are beginning to miss even before setting off.
Awelina was reconditioned at Rustler's yard over the winter of 2014/15
and had new rigging and sails as well, and finally (October 2015) we
begin to feel slightly ready and hope to be about to depart! It will
be in stages with myriad opportunities for family and friends to come
out and stay on-board, as well as opportunities to fly home: from the
Canaries and from Brazil particularly.