Forecast looks good, so we're off

Awelina of Sweden
James Collier
Mon 21 Jul 2014 18:29
57:38.80 N, 006:00.00 W

We reached Acarseid Mhor on Rona at around 9:30 pm and had a peaceful night. There were 4 other yachts already there but we did our usual antisocial thing and anchored further out.

In the morning we tried to get GSM signal without success, and so did some last-minute maintenance such as repairing the compass light which had failed. We then used the Iridium phone to download GRIB files which show favourable winds not exceeding F6 up to Saturday morning (not that one can trust them beyond 4 days ahead) and decided to go. We sent an email to the Icelandic Coast Guard informing them of the voyage and and set off! The winds are forecast to be from the SE tomorrow so not suitable for St Kilda, hence we will pass N of Lewis rather than via the Sound of Harris.

The weather today looks fair and rather calm.