24:04.080 N 19:16.430 W
Warm evening after a very hot day. Had a close encounter
with a tanker who inexplicitly turned towards us at the last minute. Mr Perkins
(the engine) was employed to take us to safety. Rupert and Tony were in the
galley at the time preparing curried mahi mahi for dinner so no name can be
apportioned. Wind picked up and all night watches had a good clear moonlit
sail, clocking up exactly 300 miles by end of last watch (0800) at an average
of approximately 9.5 kts. We caught three mahi mahi today, the first two as a double
strike just before lunch and the biggest weighing in at 12 lbs. The back of the
boat was turned into Nico’s fish processing fish plant and the deck was
awash with blood (very good for the teak, apparently). Sea has been reasonably flat all day, a little rougher this
morning. Been doing an average of about 9 kts all day and a top speed of 11.4
kts! Just covered our 406th mile, only 2429 miles to go!! |