25:51.522 N 016:24.711W

Anthony Auger / Nico Philip
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:18
Day 2 1718 UT Began the day at dawn with about 10 boats in sight. Now just
one. Quiet, calm day spent running under spinnaker in the
sunshine. No fish today. Spinnaker blocks have all been serviced. Saw a pod of pilot whales and a large pod of dolphins. Tony retraining as a hairdresser cutting Nico’s hair,
wait a minute Nico’s got his own back, Tony now has more hair on his back
than his head. Apparition’s cocktail radio hour scheduled for 1830 on
the SSB after cancellation yesterday following their kite disaster. Sun tans coming on well. Large debate on what to cook for dinner. Have decided beer is a good preventative measure for scurvy,
seems to work. Will test hypothesis on arrival in St Lucia! We have currently covered 190 miles. |