A trip around Long Island with dave and the school bus Part 3

Amazing Grace
John and Julie
Fri 18 Mar 2011 20:07
look at this beach, absolutely deserted!!
There ae a lot of salt pans on the island and a thriving industry in it.
Our last sight see was to a catholic church called St Peters. It was obviously quite old and the interior was stark but interesting. Interestingly enough the churches leave their doors open. I remember when that used to be the case in the UK but not anymore, sadly.
This church has the most amazing view from its front doors:-
There were some beautiful plaster reliefs built into the walls depicting various scenes from the crucifixion.
It was then time to head back and enjoy the lunch we had ordered on the way out. The food was good and very cheap and we were very ready for it by the time as it was 1 pm!