we visted earlier models of our boat and had drinks and snacks on each one
Amazing Grace
John and Julie
Sat 19 Feb 2011 19:04
The next oldest was a 1996 catamaran called Ajaya (always just a year away) named that apparently because they are always saying theyll stop next year!! The owners are Phil and Nicky from the UK and we really got on well with them,
The next oldest was a catamaran called Felix the Cat and was a 1997 boat and 45 feet long . The owners Christine and Dave are Americans charter it in the Chesapeake in the summer to earn a living and she paints pictures and does exhibitions.
Amazing Grace is the newest of this line and was built in 2008/9. It was interesting to see how the designer had altered and changed things over the years. There was a couple of features I wished they had kept , but naturally I preferred overall our own boat. The night was fun with much merriment and a bit too much drinking by quite a few, but it went off very well.