The crew updates

Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Fri 30 Nov 2007 13:37
Well here we are then five days in. Breaching whales, gusts of up to force 9, sheet lightning, nea\misses with other vessels, waterspouts, nuclear submarines, cold beer - none of these have we yet seen or enjoyed. I am, however, reliably informed by the skipper at this exact moment, that you can't beat the view from the loo bucket - I bet the other boats are jealous.
Routine appears to be now almost attained and we are both feeling farily happy with it, or as happy as we ever will be sleeping 3 hours at a time. We ae both steadily trudging through Harry Potter on audiobook and this is peculiarly affecting the way we talk, as being the only constant external influence uppon us. We have even already found time for a game of scrabble (harder than it sounds on a rolling boat) and some cards, while my culinary genius continues to live up to its own high standards.
We are (hopefully) coming out of a few days' light winds and will be able to pick up speed again as it's fairly depressing doing under 100 miles in a day - I really do rather want to be in for Christmas. Those of you intereseted in my folicular facial state will be happy that the beard continues to grow apace and that I may well resemble a rhodedendron bush by the time we get in. Must go now as battery time short and apparently we need to use it to do stuff like get weather and report pur position.
Lots of love
p.s. apologies for the lack of flair in this update, it has had to be written very quickly