Fw: Sharky and George

Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Tue 6 May 2008 00:03
position: 23:51.2N, 75:07.3W
Well, I had been getting a little agitated about sitting in a lagoon for ages then being tossed about at sea for ages. Very ungrateful of me. Many apologies to all aggreived under-the-English-weather parties. These same parties will be glad (?) to hear that things are looking up today. Very much so.
Slept about 14 hours last night. Tick.
Nice easy downwind sail today. Tick
Caught World's Official Biggest Fish Ever. Tick
Arrived at this wonderful little island called Conception island. Three other boats at anchor spread out over the sandy bay, no houses ashore, just cacti, palms and lots and lots of coral sand. Tick
...then went for a quick snorkel, checked the anchor and bang! there's a 5 foot shark 10 feet in front of me! I decided, tactically, that wetting myself should be reserved as a biological weapon in case it came closer. It really was 5 feet - I've thought long and hard about whether i was exaggerating. I wasn't. The second time I saw it a few minutes later it was the same size. Yikes! Of course George the Great Barracuda I bumper into 60 seconds later didn't stand a chance at only 4 feet. He slunk off after being shot a withering look. And then! and then there was this funny little neanderthal lobster with no pincers. perfect for supper i thought, but let him get away as I'm a big softie. and was a bit distracted looking over my shoulder for the shark. Best snorkel I've ever had? Tick.
(this is beginning to sound like a heineken advert)
Will try and catch Mr. shark on camera tomorrow morning before I sail for Georgetown, and photos of here generally to follow.
Yours sincerely,
me and Ariel

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