NO CASH NO SPLASH!. 10:40.77N 61:38.05W

The old saying no cash no splash applied to us in
Chaguaramas, having paid all our bills we launched at 12 am 25th
Scorch looking smart
Beautiful backend
The last 2 ½ weeks on the dry in Peake’s yard were fairly
stressful. Firstly recommissioning
a boat after 5 months in the dry is like moving house. The heat did not
help but the biggest problem is the work ethic or total lack of it in Trinidad
gave us a few headaches. The repair and painting on the backend after 2 slow
weeks of doing, had to be redone. The very high price for the work does not
reflect the quality. The workmen arrived with very red eyes in the morning (not
sure what they were smoking the previous night) spent a lot of time eating and
talking in the shade and finished the day early……. It was wonderful to be on the water again and after few
checks and stocking up (mainly with wine and beer) we are planning to leave sooner rather than later….