Newsletter Nov 19th 08

Out Of India
Birgitte and Ray Charmak
Wed 19 Nov 2008 16:22
Back in the BVI, and back on Out of India after not seeing her since May.
She survived the season and after a few days of getting her back to the
shape we keep her in, she was keen on getting out to sea! Having had her
hull repainted she is flying!!!!
Having no pressures we are in complete chill mode. First”leg”, a not very
challenging 8 Nm sail to Norman Island where we had a pleasant lunch with
Hugh & Scott, just in time before they returned back to South Carolina.
One night at Norman Island and yet a ”strenuous” sail of 4 Nm, over to
Great Harbour on Peter Island and Peter Island Resort. Pulled the dinghy
to shore, said hello to Conrad, the only local habitant on the island,
dropped off our computers at the reception, and off we went on our
favourite 5 mile walk around the island. I have chosen November as my
annual month of liver revival and dieting, and poor Ray, my dog, is being
dragged around and served rabbit food on a daily basis. He certainly did
not enjoy himself climbing the almost vertical hill reaching the island
peak, huffing and puffing claiming I was about to kill him on the current
regime.... 5 days later and 5 walks later, he almost ran the 5 miles, and
I was back in popularity.... well almost, he still thinks it is rather
boring not having anything to drink. Must admit, playing cards without,
certainly is not as entertaining.
Expected some strong winds over the weekend, and had a lovely sail around
to the Eastern tip of Tortola and Trellis Bay. Been there once before just
to pick up Simon and Will from the airport, but thought it too busy to
come back to. We decided to give it a second chance. Well not quite if I
had any say in the matter. I was not a very positive crew as we entered
the channel to the bay as it was overcrowded with charter boats and I
wanted to do a U-turn. Got a reprimand from the Skipper to be supportive
and I shut up.... Ray manoeuvred us with great skills amongst all the
chartered catamarans, and we dropped the anchor in almost the same spot as
last time, in 3.5 meters depth and settled in. Only a few days later when
Ray did some snorkelling, he thought the water seemed a little shallow.
Stood up, water barely reaching him to his hip, Out of India only 10
meters away, if that.... puh...
Enjoyed Trellis Bay, a good anchorage when the wind gets strong. We
thought the full moon party at the Cyber Cafe was well organized, and
meeting up with our dear long lost friend, Henry of MoiNoiJodine, was
definitely a highlight. And Ray had finally someone to enjoy some red wine
with. Thought De Wild Mongoose quaint, and it grew in popularity as we
successfully picked up their wifi onboard! What a difference internet
makes, how did we live without it???
Left Trellis bay and had a brilliant 30 min sail across to Cooper Island
where we picked up a mooring only having to get up at 02:00 am to put
fenders out as our neighbour catamaran (who came in after us) were hitting
us, but slept through it.... Did some snorkelling and returned back to our
favorite walk and resort on Peter Island yesterday. It is a hard life!