Re: 20th November 2005

Out Of India
Birgitte and Ray Charmak
Sun 20 Nov 2005 10:28
Crew photos taken.
Weather reports to collect and water pressure so low waiting for it to pick up to fill our tanks with 800 litres of fresh water.Have purchased water filter devices to ensure we don't take on any dirty water on our travels.
This is the start of the big voyage some 2,900 miles across the Atlantic.
We all feel fresh with 10 hours sleep last night, having had a sober evening last night and lights out at 10.00pm with revaley at 8.00 am this morning.
Raymondo is about to take his sea sickness pill with a view to working on the principal that I should find my sea legs within the next 3 or 4 days we have some serious bad weather forcast for Wednesday a low with winds of 45 Knots, they predicted bad weather for the start where as it is infact a beautiful sunny day so with a bit of luck the low pressure willmove North before we get to it.(Little did I think my prime thoughts in life would be around highs and Lows!)
There is a web cam set up for the start at los Palmas it is on the Arc site or on
Wish us luck and fond love to all our family and friends.
Ray and Birgitte