Nyaminyami II Blog Wednesday 11.12.13 - 1200hrs

By Chris Haworth Some of the more observant amongst you will see I have started to lose track of the days as yesterdays Blog should clearly not have been entitled ‘..Tuesday 15.11.13..’ It’s a bit like that out here! In fact it was a bit of a ‘Groundhog day’ yesterday ......... An absolutely fantastic days sailing! Although it was not Spini up at Dawn – too windy at 25kts from slowly veering E ..we carried on all day and all night under reefed main and slightly furled Genoa goose winged. Given the repaired state of our sails we are probably a little more cautious that we were as we don’t want to shred them again or undo the repairs! However we are still making a good average speed of about 7.5kts and we will settle on that for the time being. Dinner was Rum sundowners and nuts followed by Lamb Casserole (cooked to perfection – very tender and full of taste), rice and peas (how does she do it after 15 days at sea?) Fresh mango fruit salad followed by coffee ...and chocolate if you like...all washed down with a bottle of red for those partaking! With a little under 450 miles to go there is an increasing realisation, even anticipation, of our arrival in a few days time, I sense an increasing keenness amongst the rest of the crew to get to the destination although I currently don’t share this sentiment! Fra and Jane are sailing on to Antigua and will be sailing for another month or so whilst Graham is looking forward to heading out to La Praz for a skiing based Christmas with friends and family. As a keen skier myself I know the appeal of the latter but just at the moment Christmas seems a million miles away! So although I am looking forward to seeing loved ones I fear I shall greatly miss the sea, its rhythms, the incredible night skies, the sunny climes, the changing winds, the space, freedom, closeness to nature and for the time being I would like the trip to carry on indefinitely!...maybe a circumnavigation? I wonder if our loved ones could all be airlifted out here to join us in St Lucia then we could all carry on to Cape Town together? Fra you wouldn’t mind taking us on a little trip would you? Over the last week or so there has been some doubt as to whether Graham and I will make St.Lucia in time to catch our flight on Saturday 14th . At the time of writing It looks like our latest ETA is early Saturday AM (in the dark!). We have both discussed whether we want to delay our flights by a day to at least see the place and perhaps recharge our batteries before departure. Strange though it may seem neither of us have a particular desire to do so. I think we believe that having been to the Caribbean before we will not learn much if we stay for an extra 24hrs and that the trip has been all about the ‘journey’ and it is that which we will take home with us! It seems peculiar to be thinking about being whisked out of this paradise back to normality, an existence that has been largely forgotten or ignored during the last three weeks ...and time is playing a funny trick on my mind, where it seems to have stood still....leaving could have been yesterday or 1yr ago and has lost its normal terms of reference. I’m sure if when we return we will reflect, a new, on this experience and perhaps do not yet know what it does or may mean for us all – I’m sure whatever it is it will be very positive! I am now actually glad we are coming home to the Christmas break as I am hopeful that by not returning immediately to the daily routine there will be time to appreciate it all in bosom of our nearest and dearest and time to share it all with them...looking forward to it guys. At the moment ETA looks like it will enable – flight departure Sat. afternoon ....arrive Gatwick 0900 ish Sunday 15th ... is it shorts and tee shirt back there yet? Graham has started to sing Frank Sinatra .. I did it my way at regular interludes ... maybe I am ready for arrival. From the very happy and content crew of Nyaminyami II .....love from us all to you all |