Nyaminyami II Blog Sunday 24.11.13 - 1600hrs

By Chris Haworth. Graham Pike and I joined Francis & Jane on Friday 22nd ,arrived about 1600hrs big rain shower on arrival – accused of bringing English weather! Fortunately assisted washing fresh vegetables which were spread all over the pontoon before transfer to boat (had to make sure no cockroach eggs on stuff). Went for beers and decided to celebrate arrival – official farewell party at posh sailing club party atmosphere which we felt obliged to join into fully - after all the Merlins fleets reputation was at stake! Saturday was spent uneventfully learning the boat and making final preparations for departure, Safety and skippers briefings. Restaurant for dinner – all awoke dawn this morning with excited anticipation, there is no anxiousness or fear about the trip, us all confident in each other’s abilities - the sea is calling and we feel it is natural and good – we are hoping she will treat us gently at least for the first few days. Graham and I have been giving francis some encouragement about the start as he says he wants to hang back and avoid any risk. We have told him we expect to be pin end bang on the line, no excuses, or well report him to spud. We shouldn’t have worried he got the message, we made the best start in the fleet, set off due south in a rain squall with kite up bowling along between 9-10knots even touched 12 knts when Pikey shifted his weight fwd and we surfed down a wave! Unfortunately hit a light patch in the shadow of the Island but now back up to 7.5 knots now heading ssw to cape verdes having covered 42 nm in 6 hours. Beautiful sunset now have clear skies - Jane is cooking supper - chicken casserole I’m doing the blog and francis is bollocking Graham at the helm! Yeoooooo! |