Nigel North
Thu 23 Apr 2015 22:44

POSITION N18:09.41  W065:44.2


Wednesday, 08 April 2015       ROUND THE CORNER TO MONKEY ISLAND

0330 Reveille:   by 0400 the anchor was up and Pinball heading West out of the shallows, then South to clear the substantial reef off PUNTA VIENTO – ‘Windy Point’.  Hmm..  Interesting name. 

From 10kts in the anchorage to 35kts offshore explained it nicely.  Clearly, this was not going to be an easy transit, with rain showers arriving in serried ranks as we battled on into wind.  Felt like we’d just rounded Cape Horn, yet neither David nor Stu were sick this time, even if they didn’t eat all day. Well done guys.

But gradually the East running coastline turned more Northerly and the wind less of a hindrance.   The destination was the PALMAS Del MAR marina, but when we got there I didn’t warm to it, and pressed on a few more miles to SANTIAGO ISLAND, or MONKEY ISLAND as it is known.  A pretty smallish chunk of rock, apparently there are 1000 monkeys being conserved there.  But the anchorage was really nice.  We all went for a snorkel, and had a chat with the old guy in the grockle boat, with his second load of visitors for the day. 

‘Love it here’ he said simply, ‘happier here than I am at home.’ He paused, thoughtful. ‘Women!  They change you know’. 

Stu and David saw some monkeys, but in accordance with my reputation,  I didn’t. With allegedly 1000 monkeys on a island the size of a Tesco store, I dont see how I could NOT see any.  I have had some helpful tips on that though. 

But WHY would you want to herd 1000 monkeys onto one small island big enough for half a dozen, for goodness sake?  Bet they fight.  Bit like the UK.