Why have I just spent loads of money on new sails?

Fin McGurran
Mon 24 Sep 2007 01:03
I should have saved it and used it instead to buy
Wel, after the last installment, the wind did
indeed come up again - around lunchtime and we managed to get about six hours
sailing in, which was a releif on the ears (no engine noise), At that
point, the decision was to carry on and sail around the corner, down past
Finnisterre and keep going for as long as we could before the wind dropped again
- well, did that decision ever tempt fate, for as soon as it was made, the wind
dropped and the engine came back on again.
I think that cabin fever had set in amongst the
crew this evening, because during the lead up to dinner, there was displayed the
weirdiest forms of dancing you could imagine. We had the stereo up loud,
playing a selection of 70's hits on the run up to dinner, and without realising
it, everyone on board was lost in their own little world of singing at the top
of their lungs and performing strange lurches and lunges with their hips, in
true John Travolta syle!
Decided to pull into La Coruna in Northern Spain,
as needed more fuel, and got there are about 4am. We all had a few hours
sleep, then got up and had a really good Tapas lunch ashore. The afternoon
was spend doing various boat maintenance tasks and we decided to spend the
evening ashore. Eventually left La Coruna at about 5am this morning, in
thick sea fog. This fig persisted until daybreak, when it suddenly
lifted. We motored around the corner of Northern Spain and eventually
headed south, and then - we had the most fantastic day of champagne
sailing. The wind filled in from almost directly behind us, the main was
hoisted and the big kite came out to play! As soon as had we the kite
launched and boat speed had picked up to around 10 knots, we were joined by a
huge pod of dolphins that spent the next few hours playing around the boat and
treating us to fantastic acrobatic displays of leaps and flips. And, as if
this was not exciting enough, a whale surfaced about 15 meters from he boat - a
bit concerning! (and no - it wasn't me just in for a swim!)
This wind lasted all though the daylight hours and
dropped again, just as it turned dark - and guess what - the volvo vocals are
giving it their best right now.
But, we are all heppy to have gotten a good amount
of sailing in today - reminded us of how it should be!